Jul 28
Kozlowski: Where's the outrage?Posted by Going Concern in tax gross up, executive perks, excuses, Conglomerates, compliance, bonuses, accounting fraud, Accounting, accountants |
Submitted by Caleb Newquist, republished from Going Concern , Accounting News for Accountants and CFOs.
A couple of weeks ago we told you about fired Tyco accountant Jeff Weist who wasn't really into, among other things, mermaid greeters and costumed wenches. Whether or not he's not a fan of starfish bikinis wasn't the issue, it was the principle of the matter.
You see, some Tyco executives got into a bit of trouble back in the day for some accounting fraud but the kicker was the footage of a four-day "Roman orgy" rager in Sardinia. The jury didn't have much problem throwing the book at former CEO Dennis Kozlowski and former CFO Mark Swartz after concluding that awesome party = crooked execs. Weist figured the company didn't really need more trouble so he raised a fuss over the expenses for another epic bash that was being planned for execs in the Bahamas.