- The Network of Corporate Finance - Forum com_fireboard en-us Fri, 31 Dec 2010 22:05:33 -0400 Powered by 88 Subject: Re:Hi - by: dbedell Welcome Ramu. Can you tell us the areas that are of particular interest to you?... Subject: Hi - by: ramu_p888 Hi, This RAMU working as a Financial Analyst... Subject: Re:How secure is the cloud? - by: annearf Recent data security breaches at a few major companies point a new spotlight on the cloud. The breaches didn't involve cloud computing but, as more companies become dependent on it, you have to wonder just what kind of precautions are being taken. Are we headed for a data security breach catastrophe?... Subject: Re:Keep a lid on Facebook posts - by: annearf Even if you have policies regarding employees and social media, it may not be enough. The NLRB just filed a complaint against a company that fired an employee for Facebook comments.It's a specific situation, but also sobering. Subject: Re:SEC's definition of family office - by: annearf To follow up--How do you think the new family office definition could affect RIAs and other financial services companies? What about private trusts? And could this in some way affect multi-family offices? After all, there are only around 3,000 single family offices, but many more multi-family ones.... Subject: Ensuring data security at third parties - by: annearf There were some high profile incidents of security breaches by hackers recently. But it seems that many big companies really aren't taking this seriously, not until something happens. For example, what about the vulnerability of third parties you outsource to? How rigorous is the systems at most companies for ensuring the security at those firms is top notch? The answer usually is not ve... Subject: SEC's definition of family office - by: annearf In the Dodd-Frank legislation, the SEC was charged with defining what a family office is so as to pin down what entities should be regulated or exempt. Before, family offices didn't have to register with the SEC if they had fewer than 15 clients. Now that's going to be changed, although the exact change has yet to be finalized. Whatever it is, it definitely will mean that more family offices will have to register with the SEC. As you'd expect, family offices aren't happy about things. What do you think? ... Subject: Re:The gender of a mentor - by: annearf Thought this might be interesting. It's Congressional testimony from someone from Catalyst about pay inequity. It includes some interesting information about the relationship between return on equity and return on sales and women's representation on boards. Subject: Re:Is your company saving cash? - by: annearf Just read a story in which some company heads, like IBM's, were saying they're holding onto cash because of uncertainty about regulations. Personally, I don't believe it. I think it's part of move to undercut legitimate efforts to regulate companies after the recent debacle, which came about largely thanks to lax regulation. You know, fact is we need regulations. The burden may be too heavy on small businesses, but we need regulations.... Subject: Re:Invest in tech now, double your tax deduction - by: annearf There also are a bunch of provisions that expire in 2010. It's may not be too late to take advantage of them. Just one: Companies with up to $50 million in revenues for the last three years get tax credits, such things as write-offs for R&D. Before, unused credits could be carried back only one year, but this legislation made it five. One example....